This Study reffers to use Bach's and Paterson's Homeopathic Bowel Nosodes - they are quite effective !!!
Dr.EDWARD BACH, M.D. (1886 – 1936) - who worked as a bacteriologist in London discovered that certain intestinal germs belonging to non-lactose fermenting gram negative coli, typhoid group, had a close connection with chronic disease and its cure. These germs are present in healthy and diseased individuals but in the latter case it is pathogenic.
Bach isolated the bacilli and prescribed it for the patient in the form of a vaccine – an autogenous vaccine – and claimed to cure the disease. Years later he potentised the vaccine according to the Homoeopathic principle, administered and cured so many patients. The first full preparation of clinical proving was done in 1929 by Thomas Dishington on Dysentery co. In 1930 Bach briefly summarized the clinically derived indication for most of the nosodes.
JOHN PATERSON(1890- 1955) - a co-worker of Bach concentrated on this research after 1929. He studied more deeply the characteristics of the bowel flora, especially their behavior in health, disease and in drug provings. He examined more than 20,000 stool specimens and conducted research over 20 years.
Paterson came to the following conclusions: The non lactose fermenting non pathogenic bowel flora (B.coli) undergoes definite changes in the disease condition. While this alternation in the nature of bowel flora might be a mere concomittant to the disease condition, there is reason to believe that the B.coli actually turns pathogenic.
The balance of the bowel flora is disturbed in disease.
- Depending on the Personae we sellect which is the Client's bowel nosode that is to be indicated -
- Morgan Pure remedy - Self-centered, tense, introspective, anxious, apprehensive about state of health avoids company, but often shows mental anxiety if left alone fears crowds, depression, often with suicidal tendency, ill-health tense, active, irritable maybe claustrophobic Client.
- Morgan Gaertner - designed to Claustrophobic Personae, Calculi, Cholecystitis, Kidney stones, Renal Colic, Diverticulitis, flatulent dyspepsia, Hiatus hernia, Duodenal Ulcer, asthma , dysmenorrhoa, fibrositis, query anklyosing spondylitis, Blepharitis, otitis, mastoiditis, sinusitis gingivitis, rec tonsillitis, gastritis, cystitis, nephritis, neuritis, enuresis, pruritis vulvae, dermatitis, psoriasis.
- Gaertner Bach - Tubercular Diathesis: Fair hair, blue eyes, freckles; pale, anaemic and thin, emaciated; long, black eyelashes, ADHD, Elderly, Children's with multiple FOOD ALLERGIES, malabsorption, catarrhal, shiners Stomach Carcinoma, Bowel cancer ,COELIAC disease, Crohn's Ulcerative Colitis, IBS, malignancies (can use Gaertner 6c), Chronic Gastroenteritis, Threadworms, those with a slow recovery from surgery or a debiltiating illness. According to Bach and Paterson. A very useful list, as known as MERC, PHOS, SILICEA, SYPH, Bacill, Calc F, Calc Hypophos, Calc-Phos, Calc Sil, Carcinosin, Kali Phos, Nat Phos, Natrum sil, Phytolacca, Sanicula, Tub Bov , Zinc Phos, Syphilinum. Gaertner must be compared with Phosphorus, Tuberculinum, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Sanicula, Stannum and Mercurius. Hypersensitive (brain) - Hypersensitive to all impressions like an open book they are very sensitive to everything Active brains, poorly nourished bodies, poor muscular development Intelligent, Bright Wants company - won't sleep alone, wants to be near mother Fearful, anxious Fear dark, alone (Phos) Fear of dark, alone, needs night light, wants company [mother] Gaertner child is mentally uneasy,,he must know your reasons for.... (Whereas Dys Co child with nervous tendion expressed through muscular system is fidgety and uneasy, shyness of his temperament would prevent him leaving his chair..) Precocious Lacks Concentration - Gaertn. useful in ADHD Uneasy, restless, fidgety, curious, but timid and distractible Pessimistic, shy, lacks confidence Insomnia; sleep walking; restless sleep; night terrors; nail biting individual.
- Proteus - SPASMS Chronic sudden effects Sensitivity to light They usually have a high metabolic rate Needs energy foods Aggravations - mornings, on waking wine, stormy weather, heat, winter, cold, at night, lying down Ameliorations - moderate temperarure, lying down, stretching, eating, one hour after rising (cortisol level s are max 10 to 11am), amel in the mountains aetiology - unremittant stress, infective, antibiotics query helicobacter sarrecenia (Russell). Food issues Acidity, heartburn, sourness hunger pain not associated with eating. Craves fat, sweets, salt, butter, eggs aversion butter, pork, meat, eggs (espec boiled) , aversion to green beans, salads, cucumber, garlic, onion, chocolate. Cystitis after eating pork. 'Brain Storm' Hysteria emotional ,hypersensitive, upset at slightest thing (see Ignatia). Excitement felt in stomach with diarrhoea Violent. Anger - outbursts of temper, moody with temper, suppressed temper. Destructiveness - children like to play making accidents, destroying their toys. Suppression of anxiety, lack of confidence Self importance Inflexible, fixed ideas,resentment Wants to be alone, averse to company Averse contradiction Agitation and Anxiety - felt in stomach Fear dark, fear of falling, fear going insane, easily scared at noise. Poor memory, confusion, forgets what he has heard or is going to say. Depression, weeps easily. febrile convulsions - children. Headaches frontal, much clearer and brighter in head and more efficient after urination. Head - brain feels dry, dehydrated. Pain in eyes > pressure sensation. Pain right side face in sinus cavity from right eye just above teeth < sudden movement, pressure, stooping down ,< lying on left side, shooting electric nerve pain constant feeling puffiness below right eye, angina sensation as if heart doing somersaults sensation of heart - heaviness hypertension.
- Sycotic Co.- Sallow, pale, anaemic often fat, flabby child aetiology viral, infections, immunisations, antibiotics, drugs, stress. aversion to eggs, fat. milk, cream, salt, sugar, vegetables tea, vinegar, cheese meat bread potato and tomato upset by egg (->nausea, vomiting, bilious attack and hay fever) thought of egg causes nausea nausea with smell of cooking Fond of butter, fat, cheese, sweets, milk, salt, vinegar. Sleep restless, night terrors, nightmares grinds teeth in sleep perspiration++ head body during sleep Insomnia. Can't sleep till 3 a.m. << Midnight to 4 a.m. dreams dead bodies. Children, Catarrh'S, Swollen Lymph Nodes Atopic eczema, allergic rhinitis, asthma Food allergies Fibromyalgia, Rheumatism, Genito-Urinary problems, Prophylactic Foot and mouth disease. Hirschsprungs. , Polymyalgia rheumatica one case where Rhus tox failed., One case Thyrotoxicosis. warts, Impetigo, restless leg syndrome, Hay Fever, Asthma, Bronchitis, cystitis, nephritis, uterine polyps, ovarian cysts.
- Dysentry Co..- Anticipatory Anxiety, restless mind. Claustrophobia, nervous tension, Shyness, Timid but Alert, hypersensitive timid child, Fear dark. Being alone, new people, thunder, travel, closed places, church (Suggested to use Proteus for long continued stress), fear of not succeeding but usually does (mentally like sycotic co). fastidious, fidgety, Tubercular desire to move, they can't cope and want to move on, thrown easily into weariness and depression, they spend a lots of time in bed resting or sleeping, worried and anxious Restless, stammers, restless, wants to travel or keep going. Restless, fidgets.
- Mutabile Bach - Acute or Chronic UTI, Cystitis, Migraine, Chronic eczema with thickened skin Alteration of symptoms, e.g. where skin eruption alternates with asthmatic symptoms. Useful where alternation of symptoms such as asthma alternates with eczema., Restless sleep. Asthma. Skin eruptions. Acute or Chronic UTI, Cystitis, Migraine, Chronic eczema with thickened skin Alteration of symptoms, e.g. where skin eruption alternates with asthmatic symptoms.
- Bacyllus n.# 10 - Headaches+ asthma cough < morning Female -fishy vaginal disch Pruritus ani leucorrhoea - fishy, green skin groin raw, dry cracked pain left /right iliac fossa. urinary- Frequent micturition. bowel motion sluggish morning, maybe diarrhoea. Pruritus ani. numerous warts - hands. ringworm. Past History of gallstones, old eczema, bronchopneumonias , asthma ,acute disease.
- Bacyllus n.# 7 - Exhaustion, Depletion. Weakness and faintness from standing, with syncope on exhaustion Wasting muscle groups and myocardial weakness. Thrombosis central retinal vein. Thyroid dysfunction - likely as slow pulse (Russell). Slow pulse, low BP Myocardial weakness Faintness on standing. Feeble urine flow. Loss of sexual function Premature senility. Elderly, Rheumatoid Arthritis and osteo-arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis hypotension and bradycardia.
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