sábado, 21 de dezembro de 2013



FONTE - http://www.homeopathyworldcommunity.com/forum/topics/fecal-transplants-future-control-medical-procedure-patents

We take this oportunity to share a Study-Case -
R.M.S., 4 yr old, extremelly anxious, no focus at Kindergarden class, nor can play with her classmates due to fierce behavior and outbursts of temper, moody with temper. Craves for sweets, especially chocolate and soda. Nervous tic.

Homeopathic indication -
Gaertner's Bach - (indicated for children and elderly Clients).
Baryta carb. 30CH
Silicea 30CH
Bufo Rana 30CH ãã - one drop bottle of - 60 ml -
Agaricus musc. 30CH
Chamomilla 30CH
Zincum met. 30CH

Take 4 drops under the tongue three times a day for a period of 120 days. Return to HomeoClinic in 20 days.

the lil Client returned a bit more tranquil and her Teacher described that she was more at peace and able to interact with other children of her class and pay more attention to class itself.


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Lyrio, Carlos Hoelz. Living Nosodes, Bach and Paterson' s Nosodes - Academic Notes. RJ - Petropolis, Roberto Costa Institute, 2007.
Neustaeder, R.. Critique of the bowel nosodes. The British Homoeopathic Journal, Vol. 77, No. 2. p. 108-111, 1988.
Paterson, E., A survey of the nosodes. The British Homoeopathic Journal, Vol. 49, No. 3. p. 161-186, 1960.
Paterson J., The Bowel Nosodes. The British Homoeopathic Journal, Vol. 40, No. 3. p. 153-163, 1950.
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Russell, Malcolm. The Bowel Nosodes reappraised (core text)- seminar notes. Dec 2002
Somper, D , Some cases involving the use of bowel nosodes. The Homeopathic Journal (1988) Vol 77 p 82-90, 2005.
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Vermulen, Frans. Monera - Vol 1, Spectrum Materia Medica, 1983.

FONT - http://www.homeopathyworldcommunity.com/forum/topics/fecal-transplants-future-control-medical-procedure-patents

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